Fireworks + Puppies

Tips for Helping Your Doodle Through Firework Season

dogs and fireworks

The summer is flying by and July is right around the corner which means - firework season! While you may love to set off or watch fireworks, your furry friend might not. Here are some tips to help your doodle get through firework season. Remember, this should always be done in a positive manner and you should never force them on your dog.

Sound Desensitizing

Whether your dog is already afraid or you’re unsure if they will be, sound desensitizing is one of the best ways to teach your dog to cope with fireworks. This process should be started well in advance though, so that you’re not rushing the training. At first, you’ll want to start with the volume on low and gradually increase it over time. This sessions should be short and there should always be lots of positive reinforcement!

Anxiety Vest

An anxiety vest for dogs is much like swaddling an infant to keep them calm. The vest is a snug garment that can help your dog’s firework anxiety. You should introduce your dog to the vest prior to actually needing it so that they can get used to it.

kong toys for doodles

Keep Your Dood Occupied

Stuff a Kong toy with some yummy treats or use another fun, interactive toy for your dog. This will keep their mind busy and distract them from the loud noises.

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comfort your dog

Stay home with your dog during the fireworks. Sit with them and use a calm soothing voice, you should never seem frantic as that could stress your dog out more. You can also soothe them by petting them using long, slow strokes down the length of their back.

how to help your dog not be scared of fireworks

have the tv or radio on

Having the tv or radio on can help mask the sound of the fireworks. Classical music can help keep dogs calm. (We actually use classical music on our puppy room!)

taking your doodle to the vet

consult your vet

If none of these work, then consult your vet. They may be able to prescribe medicine to help keep your dog calm and reduce their anxiety.

keeping your dog safe with a collar or microchip

Make sure their id tag is on

Lastly, as a precaution, make sure your pup has their collar and ID tag with your info just in case he or she manages to escape. I also highly recommend that they are microchipped in case they slip loose from their collar.


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